Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Couple Speculations

I too have just couple Grizzleheim speculations that have been on my mine today :
-You know those Dragonspyre helmets that are the dragonheads? Well, they might have bear and ravenheads too. And I am guessing they will have a lot more staffs and spears too.
- The voice overs, hmm? I wonder what those bears and ravens will have to say to us?
- The background and battle music
- The crown items ( housing )
- A school in Grizzleheim? Just like one in Dragonspyre ( Dragonspyre Academy ) and of course Ravenwood in Wizard City.
Now I am gonna end this post by talking like Yoda.


A post, this has been. Later, we will see in the Test Realm. Yoda I am. The force, you must use!

Wizardly advisor, your,

~Spelldust, Isaiah

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